Workforce Management Strategies

How WorkStep helps identify leadership strengths and coaching needs

July 12, 2024

manager relationship

RESOURCES How WorkStep helps identify leadership strengths and coaching needs

Are you looking for solutions for effective operations management? Don’t neglect to look at your leaders. Having a way to keep a pulse on leadership at particular facilities or regions within your organization can be one of your best tools for operational improvements.

WorkStep is a frontline operations platform that empowers frontline leaders and employees to reach their full potential. By centralizing real-time employee feedback, WorkStep enhances decision-making and can reduce operational costs across multiple locations. The platform gathers and analyzes real-time employee data, enabling leaders to identify and address areas for improvement, while text message surveys elicit honest feedback from hourly workers. This culture of continuous feedback fosters open communication, trust, and the integration of employee insights into strategic decisions, transforming leaders into coaches and mentors.

Change the leader or change the leader

WorkStep leverages real-time employee data to optimize leadership effectiveness within organizations, starting with collecting and analyzing direct feedback on effective operations management from employees regarding their experiences with their leaders.

If employee feedback consistently indicates that a leader is unapproachable or lacks clarity in their communication, this real-time data signals a potential mismatch or a need for leadership development. WorkStep’s platform allows organizations to identify and address these issues proactively. Conversely, positive feedback about a leader who is supportive and sets clear expectations can help senior leaders identify high performers who they should invest in developing further.

WorkStep’s real-time approach to feedback collection includes the use of predictive people analytics to track the impact of any changes or interventions. This data-driven strategy ensures that decisions about whether to adjust a leader’s style or consider a change in leadership are based on solid evidence, and align with the organization’s strategic goals.

WorkStep empowers organizations to make informed decisions about leadership by providing a clear, data-driven picture of leadership performance. This approach not only helps in addressing immediate leadership challenges but also contributes to the long-term success and health of the organization by ensuring that leaders are well-aligned with their roles and are effectively supporting their teams.

Tools for operations leaders

WorkStep provides a robust framework for identifying strong and at-risk leaders, crucial for maintaining a healthy, productive work environment

  • Measure sentiment and turnover risk: WorkStep uses predictive analytics to assess employee sentiment and turnover risks related to themes like management, job expectations, and career development. By analyzing feedback and surveys, the platform identifies areas where leaders excel or struggle.

manager relationship


  • Create custom reports by location: The platform enables custom report creation to track performance by location. These reports give management actionable insights into leadership performance and its effects on team morale and productivity, helping identify positive or challenging leadership trends.

reports by location


  • Close feedback loops and enhance communication: WorkStep ensures leaders have the tools and coaching they need to address employee concerns and take targeted action. Leaders also receive direct feedback on their performance, highlighting areas for improvement and enhancing their interactions with teams.

close feedback loops


WorkStep enhances leadership communications with innovative tools for both broad and targeted confidential communication

  • Communication via Inform: This communication tool enables leaders to reach targeted workforce segments based on themes or favorability scores, ensuring relevant and impactful communications that address specific group concerns.
  • 1:1 Communication with templated replies: For direct issues, leaders can engage in 1:1 communications supported by templated replies. This ensures prompt, consistent responses aligned with organizational standards, effectively managing sensitive situations and providing immediate support.

WorkStep Inform

How to be a better frontline operations manager?

WorkStep improves frontline operations by helping leaders make more informed decisions.

  • Get the right information, at the right time. Leaders receive relevant alerts about critical team issues via their preferred communication channels (such as email or text).
  • Track the impact of actions taken: WorkStep monitors the impact workforce management challenges have on metrics like turnover, retention, and employee sentiment. With this data, leaders can see the impact of their actions and refine strategies accordingly.

Examples of frontline operations leadership feedback surfaced from WorkStep

At WorkStep, we empower Enterprise organizations with large frontline workforces to implement continuous listening strategies effectively. This allows us to gather and analyze feedback from tens of thousands of frontline workers across the U.S.

Using WorkStep data, we’ve compiled a list of common themes regarding feedback and sentiment toward leadership. These insights have contributed to identifying poor leadership and coaching needs.

Insights from WorkStep about leadership

WorkStep’s frontline operations platform: driving leadership and employee success


By leveraging real-time employee feedback, leaders gain valuable insights into their team’s performance and identify areas of opportunity and improvement in effective operations management. This culture of open communication and trust fosters a positive work environment, where employees feel empowered to share their thoughts and ideas.

Utilizing data-driven decision-making, leadership teams can effectively monitor not only their employees but also management, even within a distributed workforce. The ability to recognize when leaders are achieving operational excellence or require additional coaching is made easy with the real-time data and insights in WorkStep. With WorkStep’s platform, organizations enhance their performance and promote a standard of exceptional performance.

Tune into your frontline with WorkStep

With the frontline employee engagement platform that delivers the real-time insights you need to take action, retain your workforce, and drive your business forward.

Book a demo today

Kayla Pimentel

Kayla Pimentel, |

Kayla Pimentel serves as a Demand Generation Associate at WorkStep. Leveraging her diverse background in sales and marketing, she is enthusiastic about sharing insights about how to make the frontline a better place to work.